Housing news & insights
All’s fair in love and war… but what about housing?
We all care about being treated fairly. It’s part of our sense of justice and equality, and our intuitions about getting what we feel we deserve. In conversations about housing, people on all sides of the debate claim to be defending what is fair. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing.
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Why we can’t get distracted by nonsense and nastiness – Week 1 reactions to a Million-Dollar Homes Surtax
Not everyone agrees with the recommendations, especially the idea of a Million-Dollar Homes Surtax. But reasonable debate is a key part of a well-functioning democracy, so thanks to the media for fostering this public good.
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Breaking Canada’s addiction to high and rising home prices: a price on housing inequity
When it comes to housing in Canada, the status-quo has created inequality and complacency. Inequality, because rising housing prices lead to wealth windfalls for some while eroding affordability for others, which limits their chances to live up to their potential and enjoy life. Complacency, because some homeowners reap wealth windfalls from skyrocketing prices without recognizing that their gains help to keep many others on the outside looking in. It’s time for creative disruption to this status quo. It’s time to break Canada’s addiction to high and rising home values, by rebuilding our housing system around the concept of “Homes First. Investments Second.”
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Rompre avec la dépendance du Canada envers des prix élevés et croissants pour les maisons : un prix sur les inégalités dans l’accès au logement
[Article written in French] Le statu quo sur les enjeux de logement au Canada a engendré d’importantes inégalités, ainsi qu’une complaisance préoccupante. Des inégalités, parce que l’augmentation des prix de l’immobilier permet à certaines personnes de s’enrichir tout en réduisant l’accessibilité des maisons pour d’autres, ce qui limite leurs chances de réaliser leur plein potentiel et de profiter de la vie.
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