Housing Rehab for Canada

Housing rehab webinar

You can still catch a recording of this past event by watching the video or listening to our bonus podcast episode!

It’s been a few months now since Generation Squeeze released our Housing Solutions Lab report, conducted in partnership with the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation. Our policy solutions have received lots of attention in the media and with government stakeholders. But much work remains to turn good ideas in to actual policy change.

The housing system continues to break down for anyone starting out in search for a good home in reach for what hard work earns in communities across Canada. All the while, the housing system is working excellently for those who have been home owners for some time, as annual double digit increases to home values make owners wealthier. 

At Generation Squeeze, we think Canada is culturally and politically addicted to rising home values. And we think this addiction is a primary reason we don’t prioritize restoring affordability for all. It’s time to rehab Canada’s addiction, which starts with acknowledging we have a problem. That’s why we hosted a free, virtual discussion with Gen Squeeze founder Dr. Paul Kershaw on March 29, 2022 to talk about several parts of Canada’s broken housing system that sustain this dangerous addiction to high and rising home values. The policy solutions exist. The political will doesn’t. It’s time to focus on growing the political will.


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