Ontario 2022
Feel like you're stuck in a snowstorm of political promises with only a tiny shovel to dig your way out? Gen Squeeze is here to help! We're plowing through the party platforms to figure out what Ontario's political leaders are really promising to do about the issues that matter most for generational fairness. Check out our scorecards and full analyses below; watch the virtual event about our Voter's Guide; or learn about how we analyzed the party platforms.
Based on our platform analyses, we scored the parties' platforms on housing affordability, family affordability, climate change and wellbeing budgets. Download these individual scorecards and share them with your friends, family and colleagues so that we can all vote informed on election day.
Wellbeing budgets
How the parties stack up to achieve our goal of wellbeing budgets for all generations.
Family affordability
How the parties stack up on achieving our goal that all Canadians can afford to start a family.
Climate change
How the parties stack up to achieve our goal of clean environments and strong communities.